Nelson Mandela on Boxing

Posted by on Monday, September 15, 2014 Under: Photography

A young Nelson Mandela doing some boxing training. He wrote in his autobiography Long Walk to Freedom;
"I did not enjoy the violence of boxing so much as the science of it. I was intrigued by how one moved one's body to protect oneself, how one used a strategy both to attack and retreat, how one paced oneself over a match.....Boxing is egalitarian. In the ring, rank, age, colour and wealth are irrelevant.....I never did any real fighting after I entered politics. My main interest was in training; I found the rigorous exercise to be an excellent outlet for tension and stress. After a strenuous workout, I felt both mentally and physically lighter,"
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In : Photography 

Tags: boxing  "nelson mandela"  "south africa"  "boxing photography"   
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